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Starscream drinks some Energon

The Ultimate Caption Contest

Starscream drinks some Energon
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275 captions have been posted for this image so far ...
DeathReviews writes: "I'm DRUNK... I mean.... "Over-Energized!"
BG the Robit writes: The face and the bathroom-sized jug of beer clearly states that Starscream got away from Megatron again.
BG the Robit writes: SS: *slurred* Bruh, do you dare me t'drenk this 'ole theng?
Megatron: ...
SS: *slurred* Ill do et any'ay...
*thirty minutes later*
SS:*laying in his vomit*
MemphisR56 writes: " Beurgh! The Pepto-bismol isn't working! It's just making it worse!"
Shuttershock writes: Careful. Starscream's gone Frisky Drunk.
Rainmaker writes: *hic* hey mom *hic* can I get a new *hic* paint job *hic*
Frenchhorngirl writes: "Happy Hanu *hic* kkah, Mega-babe!
Frenchhorngirl writes: --*Hic* Ooh, my favorite arrow co *Hic* lor! Megatrip, can I *Hic* get a new cork jaint pob?
--God, no!
dirtysock47 writes: wat im not intoxicated
trailbreaker writes: MADD = Mothers Against Drunk Decepticons
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Crashcomet writes: HRRNK.
galvatron224 writes: (DRUNK VOICE) HONEY IS THAT YOU?!?!
Deceptifemme84 writes: Nausea, Heartburn, Indigestion, Upset Stomach, Diarrhea... HEEEEEEY DECEPTI-BISMOL!
Deceptifemme84 writes: Megatron: "Y'know... I'm sure there was some reason I came looking for you, Starscream, but for the life of me I can't remember..."
Starscream: "I'm sure it wasn't important."
Megatron: "No, no, you did.
Megatron:"Please just stop drinking!"
Starscream:"SHUT UP!!!!!"
ZaberFang writes: If you get drunk staring at your might be a redneck.
TFC-Starscream writes: Starscream-Burrrrrrgraaaa!*Hic* Corn? whens did i eats corn?
Korium9 writes: My Precious! They wants it! We won'ts let them haves it!
tiar180 writes: Starscream farts
DarkMechJock writes: Dude, have you ever looked at your hands? I mean REALLY looked at them?
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Roadshadow writes: Starscream: Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude...*Passes out*
Megatron: I guess Starscream has a use as a Decepticon...
NightFall writes: StarScream: Hey I think I see ....woo a minicon... Oh wait...oh that's just plain wrong...ewww.
Decepticon Commander writes: You might be a red neck if you drink purple stuff from a square.
commander setinel writes: Im..ok.I'll Drive.....
Marv writes: Starscream: All the fish are dead, great
Megatron: Quick! Drive to the pet shop and
get new ones! Prime's going to
kill us if he finds out we
forgot to feed them *again*
Marv writes: Megatron (off screen):
"And this picture was taken at the Decepticon Christmas part of '89. As usual, Screamer had had way too much Enernogg again..."
Marv writes: So that's where Megs keeps his secret stash of booze! Heheheheh!!! Party time!
octanius prime writes: (decepticon laughter) ...hey screamer can ya do your cobra comander impression for us again??
octanius prime writes: slag off! i only had 3 your not getting my keys!
azraelus writes: shhhh nobady till prim. i got his 3,000,000 b.c. energon. thats sum good stuff bot let me tell ya.
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Alphatron writes: Megatron: Primus Christ!! I told you, Starscream to never go into my stash of energon!!
Starscream: {Drunkenly} But I *Hic!* thought you *Hic!* told *Hic!* that to Thunder---*Hic!*Cracker!
Demona writes: red bull gives you wiiiiiiiiiiiings! ......... hey it worked! oh, yeah i already had wings.
blackconvoy writes: whoa this stuff gets you wasted.
trailbreaker writes: BURRRRRP !!
bluemoon writes: ss-this energon taste's like ----
m-starscream that is ----!
ss-tastes a bit nutty
NightMare writes: Yo man can to stay in focus ur kinda fussy dude ur one sexychick megs-thats it starscream u had too much
s1bones writes: Starscream: Ok, Who made the Kool-Aid? I love alot of Sugar!
Unknown writes: Starscream:*HIC* Did I ever tell *HIC* ya bout the *HIC* time I died *HIC* No seriously I di- oooh hang on *PUKES* anyways where was I o yeah I luv ya man.....
Zeedust writes: Starscream: "Well, if this worked for Terrorsaur, it should work for me, right?"
Unknown writes: "Hey, man! I can quit anytime I want!"
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President Optimus Prime writes: "ENNNNERRRRRRRRRRGYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!"
Rainbow Starscream writes: Starscream: So this is Megtron's energon? Well, I don't see HIS name on it. (Writes Starscream on cube.)Ah yeah! You're all mine, now! Megatron: Starscream! Is that my energon? Starscream: Well, it WAS your energon, but it&#
Unknown writes: Starscream: Bam! Thats good energon!
Dash Trigger writes: Starscream soon learned that this was no ordinary Energon-it had been tainted with the legendary "Purple Stuff".
ultra_magnus writes: Megatron, I just wanna say... I love you man. *hiccup*
Unknown writes: Starscream: Hey, these purple showers ain't so bad after all!
Shadow Fox writes: Starscream- Hic' hic'..whoo boy this is some strong stuff..Mega-trob keeps all of the bast stoff..Hic' can't talk so druk..Hic'..just wait til I'm leaber Mega-err..guy.
ShadowDemon writes: *Starscream is dancing around in circles* Oh, I'd love to get drunk with Megatron, oh, I'd love to get drunk with Megs. We're drinking moderation, and then we run around with our hands in the air. We drink anywhere we like to, i
chinoodin writes: Today I turn 18 and the first thing I'll do is get drunk as hell withmelted Energon cubes
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Unknown writes: (Microbots Blooper) Energy! We won't need to conserve it after tommarrow! We can bleed this planet dry!(Drinks it.)...(Burp) Oh, can i do that again? That didn't sound right.
Starscream NZ writes: Starscream: i should've never let him go....he's gone forever.....*hic*

Skywarp: who the inferno are you talking about?

Starscream: Mr Cuddles....i left him on Cybertron all those years ago....i *hic* miss his furry face and butto
Starscream writes: [Starscream is in front of the UN with camera's filming a live broadcast around theworld, discussing world peace under the sunset]and another thing - *hic* Megatron - i don't *hic* hate him, *hic* hell, my sister IS married to the guy *h
jpc7030 writes: It's MINE!!! ALLL MINE!!! HAHhahAhaHAHAHAha!!!!!
Unknown writes: "You've lost that *hic* Looooving feeeling.. whoooaaa that *hic* Loooovvin feel-*hic*ing...
micah writes: YUM THIS IS GOOD!
Unknown writes: Come on George Best if you think your tough enough!
Unknown writes: yeah after drinkin this the room is gonna be nice and stinky.
someone: Did you fart again!?!?!?
Unknown writes: "That's my beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer, I really want it, That's my That's my beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer, I really needed it, That my beeeeeeer & you know
it's truuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
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Arkhaon writes: CHEERS MATE
omega icecream writes: starscream;i like this drink!it has a bitter taste.megatron;thats because its poison.starscream;uh oh......................
Unknown writes: Starscream demonstrates his ability to mimic the expressions of the human infant consuming its first taste of strained peas.
Unknown writes: Starscream: You can't stop me now Autobozos! I have all your mojo's! MWUhahahahahaha! MWUhahahahahaha! Come along Mini-scream!
BlItZeR writes: Liquidated Tinky-Winky
Unknown writes: "Wait a second! What's floating in this cube?"
Zero BlitZ X writes: Starscream:Ahahahahaaa....I know have Megatrons spark fluid now I can have his kids hahahaa
Zeedust writes: "Hmm... I get the feeling there's something wrong with this fish tank, but I can't quite figure out WHAT..."
Unknown writes: Hmmm.... If my databank is correct, I could swear that the first energoncubes we made on earth, hadn't the purple colour yet..?
parkwood writes: You know that Megatron thinks hes so tough! but I know he really isnt, you know something else if I werent so drunk Id show him, I sure would! (burp)
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Unknown writes: Finally!!! A supersized portion of energon...and it has my name on it! :)
Unknown writes: Taunted by his wingmates for his screechy voice, and constantly under the probe of gay rights' activists, Starscream's final plunge into the world of alcohol and drugs came as no surprise to anyone.
K-nonFodder writes: Starscream *to MCdonalds Clerk* " Miss didn't i say super sized?"
Unknown writes: Skywarp.... buddy. I loove you! *looks at Thundercracker* And I love you. *looks at Soundwave* And I especially love you.
thexfile writes: did you always wonderd who did the crummy voice for starscreem ... whel the wink should give it away , it's the red old hag herself...

Starscream: not so mytie megatron you are the weakest link goodby (wink)
Unknown writes: Starscream: Hehehehe... BLEH !! Hahahaha... BLAH !!
Megatron (of-camera): That's it, no more alcoholic energon for you.
Unknown writes: STARSCREAM:I-never-hicc- liked being a-jet-hicc....whats the..hicc-point...Ican still fly anyway.....hicc!?
Zio Matrix writes: I tell you when I had enough!
Unknown writes: Visual proof that drinking energon makes you look like a retard.
Unknown writes: :After drinking Energon:
Its still not as good as Industrial Strength Floorcleaner
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Unknown writes: Man that some gooooooooood energon
Unknown writes: (singin)
"buy me a beer
2 bucks a glass
buy me a beer
cuz im freezin my ass

buy me a beer
buy me champagne
who am i kiddin
i'll drink turpentine"
(megatron points gun at starscream)
"get out, u drunk
or i&a
Unknown writes: Beeeeeeelch! Ahhhhhhhhhh!
TetraReris writes: Why yes I would like a Hawaiian Punch.
Unknown writes: SS: Now thats the good stuff, *hickupp!*
Star Sabre writes: screw megatron with his "your so stupind Star Scream" *hic" i'll show hi....zzzZZZzzz...I love you too megatron.
thexfile writes: Ai i'll have a sip of this her energion ... and you know... you ain't seen me ... wright !!!??
thexfile writes: Starscream : waw this new energon is some hot stuf , tis giving me a fit.... HELP MEGATRON i can't controle my face AAAAAAAARGGGGG..
Nightshadow writes: LIKE WOW MAN!!!!!!!!!
Autobot bubbs writes: Soundwave: Starscream's alcahol consumption: Critical....Invervention Initiated...
Megatron: Starscream, I think you have a drinking problem.
Starscream: I'm not as think as you drunk I am!
I can want any time I stop....
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Beast Simpson writes: Starscream: ... Bra. Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee!... Boobs. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!!!
Unknown writes: ughhh I drank way tooo much...ughhhh (turns green then barfs all over the place)
Beast Simpson writes: StarScream: Wow, this fish tank is beutiful! Man, EVERYTHING'S better when your on LSD!
Unknown writes: I swear to drunk I'm not God!
Unknown writes: Starscream: Now, for my next trick, I will ---- in Megatron's energon cube...
Fallengaiden writes: Starscream: Hahahhaaa Wassup!!!
Astrotrain writes: *Ugh* looks like cybertronian energy, tastes like cybertronian energy. But brother, it aint cybertronian energy!
M writes: As punishment for what he did at Starscream has to drink Megatron's urine for one week
Unknown writes: Get your hands above the covers, young man....
Unknown writes: SS: Hi Megatron, I think yoursh sexy! M: STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU FREAK! WHO GAVE HIM THE BOOZE?!?!
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Unknown writes: I don't CARE if young impressionable children
Unknown writes: Starscream:"I'm nosh as think assh you drunk I am!"
Unknown writes: 9_9; Okay, that's just wierd.
Unknown writes: Oh, *hic* and one more thing, *hic* I think Megatron's hot. *hic* (passes out in a dead faint)
tf dutchie writes: Starscream: Iiiiih, I see three Megatrons. Megatron: Who put alcohol in it? Starscream: It must have been one of those Megatrons! Megatron: SHUT UP, you foul.
Omega Supreme writes: Starscream: AAAAHHH!!, that's slagging good energon, I'm going to take a nap now.
Unknown writes: YO! THAT'S BRISK, BABY!
Unknown writes: this is some down right goooood brisk,thats dam fine
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Zero writes: i have just enough of megatron ---- to become an @$$ like megatron
Unknown writes: Who needs Surge when you have Energon.
OmnisValidus writes: I think the goldfish is dead!
Unknown writes: Megatron: ...and anosheer thing *hic* Shoundwave, you kheeps playing yer Country Mushic alla time *brap* and keeping me up alla time...*urp*.
Soundwave: We ain't going to the bar together EVER AGAIN.
Beast Simpson writes: CHUG! CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!
Unknown writes: Wheeeeeehooo! This is some gooooooood s**t! *hic*
Unknown writes: Wheeeeeehooo! This is some gooooooood ----! *hic*
Unknown writes: "Buuuuuuurrrrrp!!!!!!! "....."Yeah, Starscream, way to go, even Megatron couldn't have done any better."
Unknown writes: How come I get the left over.
Fallengaiden writes: Starscream: OoooOOOh yeAh that hit the soft spot!!
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Sky-Byte writes: This is the plan Megatron. I´ll make Optimus Prime drunk with this energoncube. Than we can easy destroy him. Ha ha ha!!
Megatron: are you sure you are not drunk, starscream? That is stupid plan!
Sky-Byte writes: This is the plan Megatron. I´ll make Optimus Prime drunk with this energoncube. Than we can easy destroy him. hah ha ha!
Megatron: are you sure you are not drunk, starscream? Tat is stupid plan!
AchTee writes: Yeesss... and this is my chibified imitation of drunken-nessssss....
Thundercraker: O.o Rumble: Bwah... here's my expression of...
bigfoz writes: now; is the cube half empty or half full?
jedixtat writes: I don't need the drink... the drink needs me..SO #@%&** OFF!!!
Unknown writes: HEY! Where the heck's my bendy straw?!
The Infamous One writes: Starscream: That's enough of a sample Megatron. I'll have the test results back to you in a week.
Unknown writes: When Starscream and the other Decepticons got hooked on Energon, they started to steal from the earth, destroying property, killing innocent people and picking fights with the Autobots. Just another example of what drugs will do to you. Just say no to dru
Unknown writes: I guess the misses can stay alone a little longer lads. Bottoms up!!!
Unknown writes: D's (in background): Drink drink drink drink!
Starscream (after drinking it): That's some good sh:t!
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Unknown writes: I'm sensing an anime moment.
Unknown writes: Wahoo...Energon Beverage.
*Drinks it*
Aargh! It's non-alcoholic!
Lord_Starscream writes: Ughh i don't think I can make it cap'n i haven't got the power....
Unknown writes: I thought I bought five fish. Now I just have one big one!
Me Grimlock writes: Hey, where's the worm?? I thought there was supposed to be a worm?
Unknown writes: Homer Simpson Voice: Sweet Energon
The Infamous One writes: Starscream: Good, Megatron's asleep. Now it's time to play the old 'Hand in warm energon' trick.
Pokejedservo writes: Starscream's face just says it all here ladies & gentlemen.
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "It's called a pink lady, and even though it's not really made from pathetic human females its still pretty good."
Unknown writes: nice star scream your DRUNK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Unknown writes: starscream: hey, thundercracker, try this! it's some seriously heavy $h!t
little_fly writes: starscream if i drink all this energon i am going to fall over and be drunk and sleep for a long time!!
Unknown writes: I was gonna take over the Decepticons, but then I got high!
Unknown writes: "Hah,that's a good one,but,let me set you straight,Powerglide,I'm half in the bag and I could still beat your sorry a$$ into the ground."
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Starscream,"Hey,Sixshot,stop changing as fast as you can I'm not that drunk yet,it's not gonna freak me out."
Unknown writes: BUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!......ahh^_^
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "One cube, two cubes, three cubes, floor."
Unknown writes: All: Forget it Starscream, you'll never beat Megatron in his drinking games.... Starscream: Eaaaaahahahahahaaahaaaaa!!!! Hick,...ehehheeeheheeeeaaah! Hick! I ... beaal be leaabaa ...op .hick..bebeptii...poons.. Hick!" (
Unknown writes: "hey don't forget to get the gold fish from the pet store." Galv: "umm...?"
Starscreem:"i love gold fish the'r so golden ^_^"
Galv:"your an idiot Starscreem!"
Unknown writes: Mmmmm...a supersized portion of energon--and it's all mine!!!
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Unknown writes: "....he said,"What cu want?",My plan to over throw Megatron failed last week,I wanna get drunk so I can't even speak,I wanna get high man I wanna get loose,I want a triple shot of that juice ,one bourbon,one energon,one
Unknown writes: Hey're startin' to look real good.
Unknown writes: Starscream doesn't have a drinking problem. He drinks, he gets drunk, he passes problem!
Unknown writes: Megatron finally discovers the real reason behind the Decepticons' energy crisis.
Sky-Byte writes: I don´t want energon! I want beer!
Blackout writes: SS:man i must be wasted. i thought i just saw frenzy with prime, if you know what i'm saying
SeekerInAFakeMoustache writes: Smiling with relief, Megatron's only regret was that he hadn't discovered Starscream's distracting love of Legos sooner.
Royal writes: BITTER CUBE FACE!
Unknown writes: Starscream: Spokesbot for NEW new Coke.
Unknown writes: Drinkin' problem? I don't haav a -hick- drinkin' problem. Dis iz only my 200th cube, fer slaggin' out loud!
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bob writes: I am Starscream.
ionacus writes: after along day fighting autobots its time for a cube of mikes hard energon
Unknown writes: Dude, I'm soooo wasted!
Unknown writes: Starscream: I just stole the last energon cube! Heehee! *runs like a giddy little girl*
Unknown writes: 99 cubes of energon on the wall 99 cubes you take one down pass it around 98 cubes of energon on the wall!
Unknown writes: 99 cubes of energon on the wall 99 cubes you take one down pass it around 98 cubes of energon on the wall!
Zu Darkness writes: Messager: Mr starscream sir, there a call for you from megatron. Starscream: Tell that F-----G A------ to ---- off (Burp) I'm on my coffie break right now after that he passes outin a drunken haze muttering about megatron and his dog toto
Zu Darkness writes: Messager: Mr starscream sir, there a call for you from megatron. Starscream: Tell that F-----G A------ to ---- off (Burp) I'm on my coffie break right now
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Thrust(off screen),"It's 110% proof energon drink some but DON'T swallow it.Instead spit it out and ignite it with your null ray,Dirge calls it an energonball."
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "I don't have a drinking problem. I drink I try to take over the Decepticons no problem.
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Alphatrion writes: Skywarp:Don't ya think you've had enough?
Starscream:I'LL TELL YOU WHEN I HAD Enoff (burp)stoopid skywarp YOU THINK YOUR BETTER THAN ME huh? (hic)Man if Iwashhleeder grumble grumble...(Strarscream stumbles 2 steps foward, Falls
Unknown writes: Mmm...beefy
M writes: Judging by his face he thinks he's Elvis Presley...
PixieStixGirl writes: Decepticons: AAAAAH!!! He's gonna start singing!!
Megatron: Forget Carnage in C-Minor!! He's gonna sing the Titanic theme!!
*heads explode all around from the very thought*
PixieStixGirl writes: Starscream: Hee I'm gonna fly Astrotrain TO DA MOOOOOOON!!!
Unknown writes: UGH!! Alright, who spiked the Energon again?!
DarkPrime writes: I hate it when Megatron tells me to drain Trypticon's coolant... GAAGH! I think I got some in my eye!
Unknown writes: Fosters! Australian for beer!
Unknown writes: I've got a headache this big and it's got Megatron written all over it.
Rhys writes: Having watched his Armada counterpart join the Autobot's, Starscream goes to drown his miseries at the Energon Pub!
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Broadside writes: Wazzup scream?
Nuthin watchin the game drinkin some gon?
Unknown writes: Starscream,"O.K. one more time,Soundwave.Rumble,Frenzy,Ravage,Laserbeak,Buzzsaw,Overkill,Slugfest,Ratbat,Squawktalk,and Beastbox all live inside you.Nope still don't understand it,I better have another drink.(SLURP) And you shrink down i
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Starscream attends his first Greatful Dead concert.
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Starscream,"Oh it was killing me,the lump was hugh,thank the maker the doctor drained it.No look I kept it this much fluid from my lower back."
Unknown writes: Welcome friends eat drink be merry,for tommorrow we could all be dead,...or Armada.
Unknown writes: "..and it's ephedrine free!"
Unknown writes: (Mocking Megatron)"Starscream, you get the urine sample from Trypticon..."
Unknown writes: "'s always the three Burrito Supremes, then the Pepto Bismol..."
Unknown writes: Adding toxic waste in my fish tank is funner than shoot my pet parrot!
buddhaquest writes: He He... and the doc said he doubted I could fill one of these things... I need a nap, where'd that photo of Prime with his tranforming cog hanging out go to?
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Unknown writes: Starscream loses his inhibitions and does his best Minmei impersonation.
Shermtron writes: Starsceam: Hey baby can i buy u a cube
Unknown writes: (Starscream);Decepticons,feast your eyes on your new leader. (Megatron); You 're either lieing or you 're stupid. (Starscream); I'm-stupid! I'm-stupid! (Megatron); For once Starscream, we agree. (All the other deceptico
Unknown writes: No Energon Cube will make me go something something...
Unknown writes: Mmmm... Energon Cube
gir writes: "What flavor Kool Aid is this?"
Unknown writes: "Daahhuu I know how to drunk when I'm fly"
DarkPrime writes: Megatron: "Darn it, Starscream! I'm starting to worry about you. Every time we go out drinking with the other 'Cons, you always order one of those girly drinks."
Starscream: "Who are you to question my lifesty
Unknown writes: *Homer Simpson burp* Aaaahh! That's good stuff!
Sledge writes: If Starscream drinks enough, he'll forget how crappy ARMADA is !!
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Unknown writes: Can't tell if he's drunk or constipated....
Unknown writes: SUPERSIZE THAT !!
Unknown writes: Ted Kennedy as a Decepticon
Quintessa writes: Starscream samples the new Habenero energon formula. SS:Wooooweeee!! Thats gonna burn on the way out.
Quintessa writes: SS: Strange...this almost tastes like Keopectade... Thundercracker: *Snickers*
SS: Oh crap! Litteraly!!!
Unknown writes: Megatron: What's going on here?!

Thundercracker: Well Starscream needed a little energon

Skywarp: Yeah, he said he only needed one

Megatron: Well he looks like he had more than one!

Starscream: gulp....who's your daddy?!
Maximus Prime writes: So I get all this for only a dollar more than the large and free refills. You've got to be kidding
Unknown writes: MEGATRON: Our new method of creating energon from plant matter has been perfected. Starscream will now volunteer to test it (cocks fusion cannon and points at Starscream).
STARSCREAM: (takes big gulp, pauses)Woah man! Look at all the colours. I'
Unknown writes: Finally!!! After a long, hard day of work, I'm getting a huge serving of energon.
rodimus784 writes: What are you lookin at...
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rodimus784 writes: You talking to me, i don't see anybody else here....
Unknown writes: SS: I want that tankful of Cobra-Cola!
Unknown writes: SS:Drinking milk oil from female Decepticon breastplates does MY body good!
Unknown writes: 99 bottles of energon on the wall, 99 bottles of energon,
take it down, pass it around, no more bottles of of energon on the wall.
GiGatron writes: "Whoa...... I am like so wasted" *hick~up*
Starscream writes: pass the soshy hickup hickup hickup hickup hickup ......
Pursuit writes: Oooooooh!!!!
Ravage07 writes: Ziggy-Zaggy, Ziggy-Zaggy! Hoi Hoi Hoi !!!
Rhys writes: STARSCREAM: BLARF! That's the last time I eat anything Megatron offers me... OH PRIMUS! (Blarfs again).

MEGATRON: He,he,he. Sucker.
Rhys writes: "They told me it's energon, but I know they're just trying to feed me the Stunticon's used axle grease. They won't get me, he,he,he...Primus I'm thirsty (gulp). Hm, not bad..." (falls down and
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Rhys writes: For attempting to overthrow him again for the 9547654th time, Megs put Starscream on urinal sanitation duty for the next three months. And since Greenpeace threatened to set their pet hippies on them (gulp) if they dumped the waste in the ocean, Starscrea
TM2 Dinobot writes: Now my little cyberfleas can have fun swiming all day long! Back and forth bac... Wait an Autobot-slaggin minute! Where'd my fleas go?! OH NO!!! FLEAS CAN'T SWIM!!!
TM2 Dinobot writes: Look! I mailed in all my Transformer points, and they sent me this Olympic size cyberflea swiming pool!!! Only $19.95 S/H!!!
Sepultron writes: *Hic*- I know! Let's call it the "Official Transformers Brand Collector's Convention"! *Hic* Yeeeaahh!
TM2 Dinobot writes: SS: Hey look!! Wana see my cyber fish? HE'S SOOOOOOO CUTEY WOOTY!!! Oh boy! Fishy go bye bye!
Megs: You did it again, didn't you?
Kupp writes: Ah, Finally, a G1 Starscream, Mint in Box.
Unknown writes: "Realllyyyy...I'mmm, noott thatt...drunnnkk"
Unknown writes: The Captain Was Here!
Sky-Byte writes: I make Megatron drunk, than he is easy to kill him and than I'm the new leader of the Decepticons! ha ha ha!!
Unknown writes: One for the Decepticons, one for Starscream, ...
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Unknown writes: I think I drank too many melonades...
Unknown writes: wait a minute. somebody has been eating my energon
Unknown writes: " Ah, after a long day of fighting the Autobots, there is nothing like a good container of Energon on the Rocks. "
SeekerInAFakeMoustache writes: From his diabolical hideout atop Mrs. Witwicky's roof, Starscream willed this Halloween's Trick-or-Treaters to come *just a few steps* closer...
Unknown writes: Really, Megatron, I'm not as think as you drunk I am.
Saiya_maximal writes: Then the day finally came when Starscream realised he was hooked on Pepto Bismol Starscream: I-I have a problem
Unknown writes: Octane: God... It's no wonder you got killed in the movie... Starscream: C'mon, buddy... Have a taste...
Unknown writes: I love this pink lemonade, it is the shiznet!!!
Unknown writes: "Rumble, you got this where??"
Unknown writes: This Bud's for me.
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Unknown writes: Is this energon cube 3/4 full or 1/4 full that is the question. For Starscream blasting his foot off, being blasted into ashes, and turned into ghost to possess idiots like Waspinator left him feeling empty after downing this energon.
Unknown writes: Bet he drinks Carling Black Label
Unknown writes: Every morning Starscream found a nice fish tank of Domestos hit the spot
Unknown writes: Blackcurrant reef went down a little too well for Starscreams liking
Megaplex writes: hickup.....oh yeah! well......---- you Megatron! It's all mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hickup..., oh primus, I'm gonna pass out! I feel sick,....and I like it!
TheRo-Man writes: "Ok, this tastes like wang! WHO DID IT? HUH?
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "Red Bull. It gave me wait that was the ark."
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "This? Its my cybersperm sample.WHAT!YES IT'S ALWAYS THIS COLOR!"
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Yes we beat the Autobots nows the perfect time to CyberGatorAid Megatron
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "WAITER,could I get a slice of human for my drink."
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NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "Megatron,you got me a cyberfish tank for my do care(sniff)."
Skyfire the Artist writes: Starscream realizes that the contents of the fishtank and the toilet were mixed up.
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "Whoa,heh one to many energon drinks I gotta go to the little Decepticon's room and drain my little Starscream."
MacrossFA19 writes: Occifer, take me drunk i'm home!!!!
Unknown writes: [Unicronâ„¢ off screen] "Look at you Starscreamâ„¢, you drunkin' fool. If I told you once, I told you a thousand times. There ain't no way, no way you come from my loins!"
Rip-Off writes: *Urp* Maybee iths the Enenegron talking, but your looking Preeety Finne!
Rip-Off writes: Always, Coke-A-Coolant!
TheRo-Man writes: "Hi, it's your old buddy Starscream here again talkin' to you about my new favorite drink. Electric Coolade®. I have to tell you, fighting the Autobots 5 days a week sure gets me thirsty. And those sugary Energon drinks
Unknown writes: This is some... GOOD STUFF....
Bill writes: is it just me, or does Starscream look like Mini-me in this picture?
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Unknown writes: Ooh..Lookie!! Pink Lemonaide!!
Ricochet writes: SS: Hopefully these nuclear waste will kill Megatron if he drank it. MEGS: Starscream you idiot, you fail to posion me and gave me a good drink.
davewelttf writes: Starscream: THE LAST OF THE ENERGON! IT'S MINE ALL MINE! (takes a large gulp) MINE ALl...Mine...(falls to the floor and spills it all over then passes out)
Unknown writes: Starscream: "Whoa, maybe it's about time I cleaned my fish tank."
Unknown writes: yooo yoo yo and a bottle of energon
Unknown writes: After seeing himself on Armada, Starscream vomits all of his energon into a vat.
Shermtron writes: Decepticons:go starscream chug-a-lug all the way!!!!!!
Scattershot writes: Whaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssup?!
Unknown writes: Will drink Energon like it's your birthday!
Unknown writes: That's some good S@#$, yo!
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Scattershot writes: Dang, this is better than Jolt Cola!
FortMax writes: Sunny-D! thanks mom!
Screamer writes: Its Miller Time
Unknown writes: hey i wanted diet energon
Unknown writes: WOOOOOOOOAAAAAHHHHH! that's good stuff!!!
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Posted: Saturday, June 1st, 2024

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