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Brawn, Perceptor, and Bumblebee go for a ride

The Ultimate Caption Contest

Brawn, Perceptor, and Bumblebee go for a ride
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178 captions have been posted for this image so far ...
trailbreaker writes: Just another Saturday night ….
trailbreaker writes: We're off to buy Combiner Wars Devastator !
Angie Prime writes: Perceptor: I'M KING OF THE WORLD!!!!
Brawn: *almost falls off laughing*
Roadshadow writes: Dark purple snake thingy: God I hate Cedar Point!
Bumblebee: Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
Perceptor: Who's the onwer now, snake bitch?
Brawn: I'm gonna hurl!
Dark purple snake thingy: NOT on the tail!

Teen Brawn: Hey watch it!! Bumblebee should we tell him what REALLY happened to Harvard
Zeedust writes: During long whatever-the-hell-that-is rides, Perceptor entertained the others with his rendition of "Bohemian rhapsody."
Godfather Bluto writes: Brawn: Perceptor, sit down or i'll knock you off.
By the way did you guys see Shockwave back there, IN MEGATRON.
BB: That's it we need to go to the animation department and kick some ass.
Perceptor: YOu guys while were hear i've just Con
Demona writes: BB: YEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Brawn: oh, man! this beats the mess outta Nitro!!
Percy: Yah, dragon! yah yah!
Rainbow Starscream writes: Brawn: Are we there yet? Perceptor: Look ma, no hands...Wwweeeeeee!!! Bumblebee: Perceptor! Don't make me stop this thing and come back there!
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Scooter writes: Perceptor's bachelor party quickly gets out of control
Unknown writes: Brawn: How many times must I tell you to keep your arms inside while moving?
Perceptor: Screw that rule. It's not like anythings gonna--*promptly gets hit by a low hanging bridge, and falls off*
Unknown writes: "YO JOE!"
Shadow Fox writes: Perceptor- Oh baby that was liberating, yup, just 3 good buddies all wacking off together.
Brawn- Yes but please watch your step, energon is all over the floor.
Bumblebee- Mumble mumble....why do I always have to clean up these disgusting messes...
Tempest writes: Brawn after viagra !!!
Unknown writes: Hey, you guys got anouther quater, we're almost out of time!
Unknown writes: Wait who's driving this thing?
Unknown writes: Talley ho!!!
Asheron writes: well this is way beter than the bus !

Bumblebee : i think im gonna throw up...
Asheron writes: YEEHHAAAA ! ! !
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Unknown writes: FINALLY WE ALL CAME AT THE SAME TIME!!!!!!!!!
Unknown writes: Perceptor: To your right, you will see Megatron's shoulder connection, on your left his fuel, and if you look straight ahead, you will can rapidly see our doom approaching.
Bumblebee and Brawn: Oooooooooh...
Zeedust writes: "Hyah! Giddyap, hell-tadpole!"
Alirion writes: "Hey, who knew Megs's brain impulses had little faces that look kind of like angry hellhounds?"
Unknown writes: keep your arms in the ride!!!
dammit there is nothing to put my hands in!!!!!
Unknown writes: WWWEEEE SUUCCKK!!!!!
Unknown writes: WWWEEEE SUUCCKK!!!!!
Unknown writes: Dark purple snake thingy: God I hate Cedar Point!
Unknown writes: [Perceptor] We're inside the mind of the most powerful, most menacing Decepticon of all...Megatron!!!!
Arkhaon writes: please keep your arms and legs within the vehicle till it crashes
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Unknown writes: Intercom: No standing when ride is in motion.
parkwood writes: HEY! you kids better settle down back there, or Ill turn myself around right now!
K-nonFodder writes: Bee" Perceptor i thought you said if i wack it i would feel better?" Perceptor" *shrugs*" Brawn "*ahhhh, oooooo ooooh *it worked for me lil man"
Unknown writes: sorry. not funny. we forgot. don't drink and post, keeds...*hic*
Unknown writes: perceptor: help! this thing is riping me! i've been riped! bumblebee: let me wring its neck...i'll ripe it right back...brawn: i kinda like being riped...
Unknown writes: PERCEPTOR: Screw the mission, this is way better! BRAWN: I didn't ask to come along, I got dragged into this! BUMBLEBEE: Aw shut up, the both of ya! CREATURE: Reeeeyyyyaaaargh! *Bites Perceptor immediately*
Unknown writes: Nothing's Gonna Stand In Our Way... NOT TONIGHT !!
Unknown writes: yeah no brains either
Unknown writes: look mum no hands
overdrive writes: "actual proof that robots have sperm!!"
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Unknown writes: WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!
TetraReris writes: Bumblebee: See you grab it like this.
Perceptor: That is illogical. I like to stand up and wave my hands like this.
Brawn: Would you get your aftplates out my face Perceptor before I make you?!
Unknown writes: (all together): "Hey now, if your baby leaves you, and you got a tale to tell.
Just take a walk down lonely street
to...Heartbreak Hotel.
You make me so lonely baby, I get so lonely, I get so lonely I could die." (Bumblebee):&quo
thexfile writes: all : give us a O give us a U give us a T give us a O give us a B give us a O give us a T give us a S "outobots" yeyeeeeee
Galvatron writes: Electro-sperm sure are fast. Just remember to bail off when we reach the plasma egg!!!
Unknown writes: Perceptor and Brawn:"A little less conversation, a little more action please....
All this aggravation ain't satisfactioning me....Ouuuhhh Yeaaah!!!" Bumblebee:"Oh no, not the Elvis Presley-express tour, too... Oh, plea
Beast Simpson writes: Perceptor: WE'RE COMING MISTER ROBOTO! JUST HOLD ON!!!
Unknown writes: YEEEHHHAAAAAAW....Ride'em
Beast Simpson writes: Brawn: Ride that rainboy boys!
Bumblebee: You bunk with him.
Perceptor: Nu-uh!
Unknown writes: Percepter - "Come ride the train... and ride it! WOOO WOOO!!!" Bumblebee - "This is one ugly little sperm."
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MacrossFA19 writes: what the hell??? When did we get to disney land?!?
Unknown writes: Brawn:"a howl neeewww woooorrrlllldd..."
Preceptor:"wrong movie"
Bumblebee: "how do you even know about that...thats way after our show!"
Brawn: "well how do you?"
Broadside writes: Vos grand ducht as non transformers would say
Ratbat writes: Perceptor: Godammit Brawn, had you not wasted time with your wacky banter, this could have been avoided!
Unknown writes: Whee, whee, this new ride, Crotch Rocket, is da bomb!
Kup writes: Bumblebee: Go Falcor!!!
Perceptor: Watch out, the Nothing is chasing us.
Brawn: Not too high!
Unknown writes: If you will all turn to your right, you can actually see Johnny Depp rehersing his lines for the new "Pirates of the Carribean" film.
M writes: Brawn, Perceptor and Bumblebee rehearse a scene from Dragon Ball Z.
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Unknown writes: And days later Brawn calmed down and sings along with Perceptor: "We're siiiiiingin' in the rain
Just siiiiiiingin' in the rain...
What a gloooorious feeeeeeling
we're haaaaappy again,
we're laughi
Unknown writes: Brawn: Oh.... so constipated...
Unknown writes: Quit complaining. This electro-tape worm was the only thing the rental place had left.
Unknown writes: And The Cybertron Rodeo is underway!
Unknown writes: creature: Z'im Kurt Vagnah! I z'am the amazing Nightcrawler. all: SHUT UP!
Unknown writes: & spread them.
Unknown writes: The Never-Ending Story
Wazbot writes: Perceptor: And on your left, we have a blackened lump pretending to be Megatron's heart
Cybertronic writes: Weeeeeeeeeeeeee!
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: The guys go in search of Homeless Junkion,and The Ro-Man they've been missing for awhile
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Unknown writes: Where does that body part go mama?
Unknown writes: I AM A PSYCHO, HEAR ME ROAR!!!!!!
Unknown writes: I can shoot tape casette bots outta' my chest too! No, really, watch! Mmmmm..ugh!..pant..pant..someday, I'll show you all.. sniff...
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: You know when the Transformers first appeared on earth they promised technological advancment beyond our wildest dreams.Well folks here it is 2003 and this is the best they have to offer us? The 2004 Autobot Impulse. We've been swindled.
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Three Amigos II : Cybertron Round Up
Redstreak writes: Perceptor: "Damn am I tired!" Bumblebee: "Sit down or--" Brawn: "Low bridge!!!!" KA-CHUNK.
Genosider writes: Hi Ho Silver, Away!!!!!
Unknown writes: Yay! Powerglide's dead!
Zu Darkness writes: Bumblebee: Yeahaa lets ride this badboy to megatron's spark. Brawn: Hey Prespector get you big fat A-- down. Perceptor: Now if my calulation are correct riding on this thing will lead up to megatron hearts so that....... Brawn having enough of
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Oh now I remember it was the band Cybertron the album was called Riding the Impulse the big hit The Heart of Cybertron's still Beat'n
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NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: I could be wrong, but I swear this was an 80's album cover, maybe Boston,or Rush I don't know for sure.
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Perceptor,"ADRIANNE,I DID IT ADRIANNE!" Brawn," Hey,Bumblebee,is he on drugs?" Bumblebee,"Who cares its a beautiful day lets just enjoy the ride."
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Anybody else out there wondering where Brawn's left hand is? It does explain why Perceptor is standing.
Omega Supreme writes: Perceptor: Is it me or does this thing seem more like Decepticon sperm then a brain impulse??
Brawn: Gah mental image in head!!
Bumblebee: Well we'ld better hope Perceptor's wrong otherwise we could be going on a one way trip inside a
Exulted Unicron writes: B:Stop the ride, I feel sick.

BB: We can't we gotta gor ound three more times

P: Wheeeee
Unknown writes: Perceptor: Wahoo!
Brawn: We've been Frizzeled!
Bumblebee: Come on Bus!
Do your stuff!
SeekerInAFakeMoustache writes: Perceptor: Mid-seat driver.
Roux writes: Bumblebee: Perceptor, Brawn! The ride operator told you to keep your arms on the thought impulse at all times, you're going to fall off!
Unknown writes: Perceptor, Bumblebee & Brawn: We should be fightin' Decepticons/Instead we got high...
thexfile writes: Perceptor :oOo i do fear that the energion levels down here have somhow had a negative affect on this toy you found Bumblebee

Brawn: Toy !! who wants this for a toy !!!

Perceptor: i don't now but it was on the back of Bumblebee's
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Unknown writes: Hey look, Perceptor is drying his armpits
Unknown writes: Optimus -- "Perceptor, stop smoking that crack again !!"
Unknown writes: * (1982) [Dir.Allen Smithee] Bumblebee,Perceptor,Brawn,Anthony Perkins. Animated sequel to Fantastic Voyage Perkins returns as the voice of the thought impulse in a story about three Autobots shrunken down to oh does it really matter think about it do you
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Why the hell are they riding a Pez dispensor?
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "AAARRRRGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!Oh...(pant)...huf..." "You o.k. honey?" "No,I had the Perceptor dream again."
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Damn I saw this one its a repeat
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Man I really hate cowboy movies
Unknown writes: Bumblee: Now, tell me why we are trying to slow down this cyber tapeworm again, Perceptor?
Perceptor:(screaming like a girl)Aiiieeeehhhhhhh!!!!
Brawn: Forget it Bumblebee, he lost it back at the ark when he found out his transformation was a microscope.
Unknown writes: Brawn:Why do I feel a slight tingle in my rear axle?
Perceptor: Bumblebee, what did I say about your toy thingamabob?
Bumblebee: Uh-Oh Spagettios.
Unknown writes: Brawn:"This is the best 'acid trip' I've ever had! Wheeeeeee!!!!!!" Bumblebee:"If this is your acid trip, how come I can see it?" Perceptor:"It must be mass hallucination, most likely
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Unknown writes: Combine the TMNT and the Micromasters and you get this: 3 teenage Autobots who ride monsters because they're drunk!
Unknown writes: Bumblebee: Trust me, this is way better than the banana boat ride at the beach!!!
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Discharged disgracefully from the Autobots for violating Prime's don't ask don't tell policy Brawn,Bumblebee,Perceptor,and their new friend Jim J. Bullock proceed gayly in their forbidden love.
Unknown writes: Brawn: "I knew I was going to regret this. Now I'm on's Caption Contest!
Unknown writes: "BB": ee' gwad this is a big worm ! "Perceptor": yah, i take pill that do that.. "Brawn": i'm a bit uncomforabler now guys
Shadow writes: Perceptor: Hey Bumblebee, are you licensed to drive electric worms? BB: Umm, no. But what could go wrong? Perceptor: We're doomed...
Unknown writes: Perceptor: YEEE-HAW!! GET ALONG LITTLE DAWGIE!!!!
Bumblebee: DUDE! You sure you can drive this thing?!
Perceptor: Well, Those hillbillies on TV can...
Unknown writes: WHEEEEEEEEE!
Unknown writes: Perceptor: Cursory valuations have revealed that we are indeed riding an electrically charged flying worm... thing.

Bumblebee: I miss WheelJack.
tony writes: "Brakes! BRAKES!" "Emm...I don't think brakes were invented for this thing" "NOOOO!!!!!"
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RamJet writes: Strong Bad
RamJet writes: "Clear the lauchway, man! We're taking this baby to the moon!" C'mon! it's a Ctrong Bad reference!
Unknown writes: And hours later...(Perceptor): Weeee are the champions, my friiiieend... Weeeeee will be fightiiing to the eeeeeend...!" (Brawn): "Stop singing, Perceptor or I'll throw you off! I swear! I can't take this anymore!!&
Unknown writes: Perceptor: Eat your heart out Mary Poppins, umbrellas are for amatures!!!!
little_fly writes: inside megatron.... bumblbee: i carnt hang on mutch longer!!! preceptor
i think i am getting sleepy in here its hot!! huffer: atleast hang on!!!
little_fly writes: inside megatron.... bumblbee: i carnt hang on mutch longer!!! preceptor ow i think i am getting sleepy in here its hot!! huffer: atleast hang on!!!
Unknown writes: Suddenly brawn ripped off his pants and took Perceptor and Bumblebee on a MIGICAL ride through autobot life cycle, including the famous sperm ride.
Unknown writes: Preceptor: WOOOOOOOOO HE HAW LOOK AND ME MA, IM RIDING SOME CATTLE Bumblebee: alright brawn now u can beat on hiM Brawn: ooooooooooooooooo this feels nice mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Bumblebee: OMG THATS IT IM OUTA HERE *jumps to his death* god bless u bumbleb
Unknown writes: (Perceptor): Who let the dogs out?! Whouw,... whow, whouw-whouw! Who let the dogs out?! Whouw,... whow, whouw-whouw! Yeaaaah! ..." (Brawn): "Oh great, now, he's gone totally crazy, Bumblebee." (Bumblebee): Leave
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Perceptor,Bumblebee,and Brawn's shameful celebration of the Chinese new year forces Prime to enact a two energon cube limit no matter what holiday it was.
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Unknown writes: Bumblebee: I just love choo-choo rides! Perceptor: 'Bee, stop this crazy thing!!!
Unknown writes: Perceptor,"I'M A COWBOY ON THOUGHT IMPULSES I RIDE, AND I'M WANTED(WAAANNNTED)DEAD OR ALIVE." BRAUN,"That's it I warned you I hate that damn song now my fist goes right up your a$$."
Unknown writes: Perceptor,"I'M A COWBOY ON THOUGHT IMPULSES I RIDE, AND I'M WANTED(WAAANNNTED)DEAD OR ALIVE." BRAUN,"That's it I warned you I hate that damn song now my fist goes right up your a$$."
Unknown writes: (Perceptor):"Country Rooooaaad, take us hooooome!!! To the pl... (SMACK!!!! Brawn smacks Perceptor's butt) OOOOUUUUCH!" (Brawn):"Shut up, Perceptor!!!! I told u before that I hate this song!!!"
Unknown writes: I feel kinda funny, like when you climb the rope in gym class!
Unknown writes: Perceptor: "If everything's to scale, we're each the size of a human hand, right. Therefore, Megatron's brain is roughly the size of 2 kegs of Beast Lite. So much computing power in such a small space, and all the hum
Unknown writes: Proceprtor: akunamatata what a wounderful frase
Brawn: akunamatata aint no pasion kras
Bumble Bee: it means no worries for the rest of your days
Proceptor, Brawn, and Bumble Bee: is our problem free philosophy akunamatata
Unknown writes: Remember: Only one will make it inside, fertilizing the egg, Thus creating new life.
ionacus writes: all:wwwwwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhooooooooooaaaaaaaa this is awesome!!CRASH!
Unknown writes: Not even the Matrix could save Cybertron from the clutches of the Walt Disney Company...
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Unknown writes: Always the thrill-seeker, Perceptor ignores the "remain seated at all times" rule.
Unknown writes: Perceptor: OW OW WHOO HOT HOT HOT!!!
Unknown writes: Coming soon to "Six Flags Over Cybertron": a fantastic virtual reality tour inside Megatron! See how this most evil Decepticon leader's mind works! FUN!!!
Kupp writes: Perceptor: "I'm on top of the World"
Bumblebee: "Dude, your scaring me"
Brawn: "I hope we don't sink"
Unknown writes: (Perceptor)"Country Roooaaad! Take us hooome... to the plaaaace, we belooooong.... Miss Virginaaa..." (Brawn)"Chill out, Perceptor! I can't hear this anymore. Can you sing something a little more... hip hop alike like B
Unknown writes: Country Roooaaad! Take us hooome... to the plaaaace, we belooooong.... Miss Virginaaa....
Unknown writes: If you can feel it, it's Electric! Do doo doo do do doo do
Unknown writes: (Perceptor)Damn, this ride is bitchin!
(Bumblebee)Shut up you ass! At least your tall enough to go on the real roller coaster. Im tired of these damn kiddie rides.
Pokejedservo writes: This is basically's the Autobots attempt to "out-weird" the vision of Jesus Christ riding on a purple unicorn over the rainbow.
Unknown writes: Me thinks Bumble Bee and the gang have see the Never Ending story WAY too many times
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NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: A sad end,but some time after Transformers:The Movie Unicron's body was reassembled and turned into an amusement park. It was put into orbit around Cybertron and bought by Six Flags they named it Unicron Adventure this ride:The Chaos Bringer. Sad
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Bad things happen when three Autobots share Tommy Chong's stash.
Unknown writes: Perceptor: I'M THE KING OF CYBERTRON!!!
Kup98ss writes: AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
The Infamous One writes: Bumblebee, "Brawn, when you said you had something special between your legs, this isn't quite what we imagined!"
The Infamous One writes: Jane, stop this crazy thing!!!
Ricochet writes: Perceptor: Look Ma, I am on the top of the world! Bumblebee: This is the last time we let Perceptor get on the ride after drinking too much energon.
Unknown writes: custom made zoomer: 1800$
speeding tickets: 400$
Watching Percepter bean himself on the lowpass: priceless
Skyfire the Artist writes: Hey, what do you mean that we need two E tickets for this ride?
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Unknown writes: Percepter's last words: "Hey, hold my beer! Y'all watch THIS!!!"
Scattershot writes: This is how the autobots got from place to place after that whole action master ordeal.
Unknown writes: Perceptor: "Hurry Bumblebee! If we don't stop this sperm cell, our mission to prevent Daniel's birth will fail!"
Brawn: "There he goes again....."
Unknown writes: Outtakes from an Autobot movie about contraception.
SlagMaker writes: Brawn: "Oh well, at least this is cheaper than going to Six Flags. And everyone here speaks English."
computron writes: Brawl: don't even think of farting now preceptor!
Preceptor: I can flllyy!
BB: We're going to die...
computron writes: BB: any clue how to ride this thing?
Brawl: look mon with out hands!
Preceptor: look mom, I can do better than brawl!
computron writes: BB: why me? WHY me!?
Preceptor: Whoopie!
Brawl: Preceptor look out! *BAM*
Unknown writes: bb:if we dont get this thing down primes gonna kill us. percep:soortaintly! brawn:nyuk nyuk nyuk!
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GoldBuggin writes: Percepter: Whoppie!
Brawn: Keep your arms and legs in... ya twit...
Bumble Bee: Wheres the Barf bag?
gir writes: Seibertrons opened a theme park.
Brawn: "I don't like this ride!"
Bumblebee: "So this is where Seibertron's energy is going?"
Unknown writes: Brawn: Yeehaw!! Now THIS is what I call a tail ride!
Perceptor: Whee! Joyride!
Bumblebee: Oh my god, I think I'm gonna hurl...
Shermtron writes: Perceptor: we got riped, were not riding funny cide!!!
Unknown writes: Perceptor: I'm onna Hiiiiiighway to hell! Hiiiiighway to hell! I'm onna...
davewelttf writes: Perceptor: Yahooo! This is more fun than that "Top Thrill Dragster" at Cedar Point!
Brawn: Well I can't have any fun if you're standing on my foot!
Unknown writes: I'm a cowboy! Bang Bang!
tf dutchie writes: Bb: This thing goes faster than a roller-coaster! Brawn: I'm going to be sick. Perceptor: you mean a virus-ride.
Blasta writes: bumblebee: woo hoo brawn:a dork
Unknown writes: [Perceptor] We're heading towards Megatron cerebral circuitry.
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PhoenixPrime writes: Perceptor: Awe, aren't the Venicetron canals beautiful this time of year? Bumblebee: Brawn, I think you were right about Perceptor
Shermtron writes: Perceptor:im king of the world!!!!
Sideswipe writes: When Transformers watch Freddys Dead one time to many
Rhys writes: Happy Chinese new year!
Unknown writes: Heehah! Ride'em, cowboy
PlasmaRadio writes: Perceptor: "BEST MARCH BREAK EVER! WOO!"
Bumblebee: "Shut up, putz."
Perceptor: "Well, when are we going to get rowdy?"
Unknown writes: Brawn and Perceptor:"Ride 'em pardner!"
Bumblebee:"Guy's next time you walk the dog or just get a cat."
Jeremy writes: brwan: bumblebee what kind of car is this? BB: the same car that makes me look like a car worth peoples time
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Transformers Podcast: Twincast / Podcast #351 - Ask Your Dad
Twincast / Podcast #351:
"Ask Your Dad"
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Posted: Saturday, June 1st, 2024

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