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TFNation 2017 - 11-13 August, Birmingham, UK

Transformers News: TFNation 2017 - 11-13 August, Birmingham, UK
Date: Friday, October 28th 2016 1:26pm CDT
Category: Event News
Posted by: Va'al | Credit(s): TFNation

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Some quick news from TFNation headquarters in the UK, with the announcement of the dates for their second event - scheduled for August 2017, on the weekend of 11-13th! Check out more info below, and stay tuned for more updates as they are announced.

Transmission ID: 00001
Operation: Launch Dates

Calling all Cybertronians.

TFNation will return from Friday 11th to Sunday 13th August 2017.

Base of operations: The Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel, UK.

Operatives of significant interest have been detected. Identification code decryption is in progress.

Launch tickets, bedrooms, pricing, guests and activities will be announced in the coming months. Keep monitoring this frequency. If you want to ensure all communications are intercepted, join our mailing list at

Further transmissions to follow.


Where All Are One

IDW Artist Andrew Griffith Attending Shanghai Comic Con 2016

Transformers News: IDW Artist Andrew Griffith Attending Shanghai Comic Con 2016
Date: Thursday, October 27th 2016 7:05am CDT
Categories: Comic Book News, Event News, People News
Posted by: Va'al | Credit(s): Shanghai Comic Con

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We're reminded that next weekend - 5-6 November - is time for Shanghai Comic Con, and Tranformers artist Andrew Griffith, from IDW's The Transformers and multiple more, will be attending as a guest. Check out more info here and below!

Andrew Griffith is a freelance comic book artist, designer and illustrator currently working on Transformers comics for IDW Publishing.

After he did well enough to arrive on IDW’s radar, he was brought on as an inker and fill-in artist on prequel comics for the film “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen,” and the critically acclaimed mini-series “Last Stand of the Wreckers.”

He is best known for his own mini-series to illustrate, a prequel comic to the “Transformers: Dark of the Moon” film. Griffith also has worked on various projects for Hasbro, illustrated Transformers DVD covers for Shout! Factory, and contributed professional work on properties including G.I. Joe, TMNT and Back To The Future. Griffith’s pencils can currently be seen in the IDW Publishing’s Ongoing Transformers series, “Robots in Disguise.”

More information:

IDW Publishing:

Deviant Art:

Hasbro Italy Attends 50th Lucca Comics & Games with Transformers Day

Transformers News: Hasbro Italy Attends 50th Lucca Comics & Games with Transformers Day
Date: Tuesday, October 25th 2016 5:24am CDT
Categories: Toy News, Event News, Press Releases, People News
Posted by: Va'al | Credit(s): Guido Guidi

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Views: 53,992

Here's a different thing for your reading optics: Hasbro Italy has just released its participation info for this weekend's 50th edition of Lucca Comics & Games, including a Transformers specific celebration - featuring Titans Return Fortress Maximus (we're so up to speed you guys), fellow fansite, artists Guido Guidi and Emiliano Santalucia, Machinima Combiner Wars, and more! Check out the full press below, and a translation of the relevant section from yours truly.

relevant Transformers section wrote: Saturday 29th October is Transformers Day, seeing fans from all over Italy gathering under the auspices of The day includes an exhibition of the evolution of the franchise from the 80s to this day, a drawing contest with sole Italian artists Guido Guidi (comics) and Emiliano Santalucia (toy designer), who will also take part in live paintings. Special guest Marco Guercia will be bringing his giant life-size Bumblebee costume. Visitors will have the opportunity to admire the new Fortress Maximus, a titan-sized robot of incredibile strength and amazing transformations, and to view some early footage of the new Machinima web series featuring the Transformers Generations line.


Una cinque giorni all’insegna di entusiasmanti giochi in scatola, con il Monopoly Ultimate Banking che manda in pensione le banconote a favore delle carte di credito e offre a tutti l’opportunità di vincere ben 10mila euro in monete d’oro. In calendario i raduni dei fan più affezionati alle Principesse Disney, ai Transformers, ai My Little Pony e a Star Wars, con mostre di giocattoli, contest di disegno e gare cosplay. Per i bambini protagonisti di Lucca Junior, oltre alla Nerf Arena dove provare gli adrenalinici blaster, un’area dedicata al tormentone Yo-Kai Watch.

Lucca, ottobre 2016 – Il countdown in vista della 50esima edizione del Lucca Comics & Games 2016 è partito da un pezzo, d’altronde è l’evento più atteso dell’anno per centinaia di migliaia di appassionati provenienti da tutta Italia. Ed è proprio per loro che Hasbro ha in serbo tantissime sorprese, per divertire e coinvolgere tutti, dai più piccoli ai più grandi, che ogni giorno potranno ballare a più non posso sulle note della Yo-kai Dance, la colonna sonora del fenomeno del momento, Yo-Kai Watch: l’imperdibile linea di giocattoli con ben quattro diverse modalità di gioco tutta da collezionare ispirata alla famosissima serie tv.

L’appuntamento è sia nell’Area Games (Padiglione Carducci), sia a Lucca Junior (Family Palace). È così che Hasbro renderà felice chiunque: tutti troveranno pane per i loro denti, anche in giro per la città. Basterà fare un salto nelle aree dedicate a Star Wars per ritrovarsi in compagnia dei membri della 501 Italica Garrison, il gruppo di costuming ufficiale, e imbracciare insieme a loro la nuova Spada Laser Rotante o quella Blaster, l’unica che lancia gli esclusivi dardi Nerf.

Fin dal primo giorno, venerdì 28 ottobre, gli amanti dei giochi in scatola potranno provare in anteprima le elettrizzanti novità in vista del Natale, giocando con un Cluedo fresco di restyling che dice addio a Mrs. White e dà il benvenuto alla Dr. Orchid, o con il coinvolgente Fuori dai Denti, che insieme a Torte in Faccia rappresenta il primo esempio di gioco di società “social e viral”. A catturare l’attenzione di tutti sarà di certo il rivoluzionario Monopoly Ultimate Banking: in perfetta linea con il tema dell’edizione 2016 di Lucca Comics & Games (Gold), offre l’esclusiva possibilità di vincere da 100 a 10mila euro in monete d’oro dal valore numismatico, oltre a introdurre un’innovativa tecnologia contactless, con tato di carte di credito e banca elettronica, per una gestione dei flussi di denaro del tutto automatica.

Sabato 29 ottobre sarà il Transformers Day, un mega raduno di fan provenienti da tutta Italia organizzato dallo storico forum In calendario una mostra sull’evoluzione dei mitici robot-veicolo dagli anni ’80 a oggi e un contest di disegno con la partecipazione degli unici disegnatori di Transformers italiani Guido Guidi (fumettista) ed Emiliano Santalucia (toy designer) che si esibiranno in diversi live painting. Special guest il cosplayer Marco Guercia con il suo mastodontico costume da Bumblebee in dimensioni reali. Le centinaia di appassionati si rifaranno gli occhi ammirando per la prima volta in assoluto il nuovissimo Fortress Maximus, un titanico robot dalla forza poderosa capace di trasformazioni incredibili, o guardando in anteprima alcune mini clip della nuova web serie Machinima dedicata ai Transformers Generations.

Da indiscussa icona pop, anche i My Little Pony, il giocattolo più collezionato in assoluto con ben oltre 100 milioni di pony venduti in tutto il mondo dal 1983 ad oggi, hanno in serbo tantissime sorprese per i loro fan sfegatati, i Brony. Sarà un happening a tutti gli effetti quello di domenica 30 ottobre, come avviene da oltre 5 anni. Al centro ci saranno i nuovissimi Guardians of Harmony: i pony addicted si rifaranno gli occhi ammirando la neonata linea di action figures, tratta dalla seguitissima serie animata e in uscita dal 2017, che potranno toccar con mano in anteprima assoluta. Le più piccole, invece, potranno giocare con il must have del Natale, il Castello di Cristallo e, sognando di trovarlo sotto l’albero, potranno nel frattempo iscriversi al Club dell’Amicizia, per diventare ufficialmente una cittadina del magico mondo di Equestria ed entrare a far parte delle prima vera grande community italiana. Per tutti, grandi e piccini, in programma un’imperdibile contest dedicato alle centinaia di cosplayer che indossano i panni delle intramontabili Applejack o Twilight Sparkle. E non solo, è anche prevista una speciale mostra ricca di pezzi davvero unici e imperdibili laboratori di disegno, oltre al magico corner per truccarsi proprio come un pony. E al pomeriggio, dalle h 16.00 in poi, tutti al Palco Centrale per ballare in compagnia di migliaia di cosplayer sulle note della coinvolgente Yo-kai Dance, il tormentone del momento per migliaia di bambini italiani.

La cinque giorni toscana targata Hasbro continua all’insegna del mondo disneyano. Lunedì 31 ottobre, infatti, ad animare la giornata dell’Area Games ci saranno ben due gare cosplay dedicate a Star Wars e alle Disney Princess, organizzate dagli esperti maestri di lightsaber della Jedi Generation e dalla storica community italiana delle Principesse Disney. I più piccoli, ma anche gli eterni Peter Pan, potranno approfittare delle esperte makeup artist a disposizione per farsi truccare proprio come i loro beniamini, a cominciare dalle protagoniste di Frozen, Anna ed Elsa. Il momento clou arriverà martedì 1° novembre, quando sul Palco Centrale si terrà il contest cosplay Be a Superhero, organizzato dai ragazzi di Marvel Cosplay Italia in collaborazione con Hasbro e Panini.

Andando in giro per la città, di sicuro salterà all’occhio l’Arena Nerf che spicca nel cuore di Lucca Junior: sarà il ritrovo per tutti quelli che amano azione, adrenalina e divertimento allo stato puro, emozioni che solo i blaster Nerf sanno dare. Un vero e proprio campo d’addestramento all’interno del quale mettere alla prova le abilità nel tiro a bersaglio imbracciando tra i tanti a blaster a disposizione il gigantesco Mega Mastodon, l’unico davvero oversize e perfetto per difendersi dai continui attacchi dei temibili Zombie che vagano per il borgo medievale. Soprattutto in occasione della Zombie Walk prevista nel pomeriggio di lunedì 31 ottobre, quando orde di minacciosi morti viventi assaliranno l’Arena Nerf.

La grande novità per i piccoli ospiti della fiera sarà Yo-Kai Watch: in collaborazione con Nintendo, il must have del momento per gran parte dei bambini italiani avrà uno stand completamente dedicato nel Family Palace, con tanto di corner photo booth dove scattare foto ricordo che i genitori potranno poi condividere sui social per ricordare la bellissima esperienza in compagnia dei figli. Per loro la possibilità di provare il videogioco Yo-Kai Watch e la magnifica linea di giocattoli in mostra. I veri fan di Nate, il protagonista del seguitissimo cartoon, con tanto di orologio al polso e guidati dal costume character dello Yo-Kai Jibanyan, lo spiritello che si aggirerà per le vie della città distribuendo simpatici gadget, ritireranno un prezioso passaporto grazie al quale far tappa in diversi punti della città (dallo stand Hasbro al Pala Panini): chi lo riempirà riceverà un fantastico premio dedicato Yo-Kai Watch.

Insomma, gli ingredienti per un’indimenticabile Lucca Comics & Games ci sono tutti. Bambini, adolescenti, adulti e giovani-adulti: con Hasbro al mezzo milione di appassionati non mancheranno certo occasioni per divertirsi.

Hasbro Announces HASCON 2017 - 8-10 September, Rhode Island

Transformers News: Hasbro Announces HASCON 2017 - 8-10 September, Rhode Island
Date: Tuesday, October 18th 2016 9:21am CDT
Categories: Event News, Press Releases, Company News
Posted by: Va'al | Credit(s): Hasbro

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After a lot of speculation, rumours, whispers and CybertronCon in the way, we have official confirmation on Hasbro's plans for its licensed properties and their event showcasing: HASCON 2017 has just been announced! The event's website is already active, and can be found here, the press release is avaliable below, and the details are: 8-10 September 2017, Rhode Island Convention & Dunkin Donuts Center. Check it out below, and join the discussion in the Energon Pub!

Hasbro to Create the Ultimate Entertainment and Play Experience by Bringing Its Iconic Brands to Life with First-Ever ‘HASCON’

First-of-Its-Kind Convention Will Bring Fans and Families Together for Three Days of Immersive Entertainment Experiences, Talent and Character Appearances, Panels and More in September 2017

PAWTUCKET, R.I.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Today Hasbro, Inc. (NASDAQ:HAS), a global play and entertainment company, announced it is creating the first-ever HASCON fan and family convention in September 2017. The massive event, which will be held in Providence at the Rhode Island Convention Center and Dunkin Donuts Center from September 8-10, 2017, will treat attendees to three unforgettable days featuring a celebration of Hasbro’s powerful characters and stories, including live interactive experiences, exclusive products, talent appearances, panels and much more.

From bringing the first action figure to life with G.I. JOE, to creating a world where robots are truly ‘more than meets the eye’ with TRANSFORMERS, Hasbro’s brands have always overflowed with rich stories and dynamic, multi-faceted characters, providing an incredible platform to capture the imaginations of fans of all ages. The premiere HASCON event will bring the magic of decades of storytelling under one roof for the ultimate, immersive Hasbro fan and family experience. Hasbro’s top properties, including TRANSFORMERS, MY LITTLE PONY, NERF, MAGIC THE GATHERING, PLAY-DOH, MONOPOLY, G.I. JOE and many others will be reimagined through dynamic stage performances and unique opportunities for fans to engage with their favorite characters. In addition to interactive experiences designed to offer attendees a glimpse into Hasbro’s imaginative storytelling in action, visitors will have the chance to see first-look previews of Hasbro’s biggest television and movie series, attend panels and meet-and-greets with celebrities and creative talent associated with Hasbro brands, take part in Hasbro Gaming competitions and purchase special limited-edition Hasbro products.

“Hasbro is home to many of the world’s most recognizable brands, each of them with their own group of passionate and engaged fans,” said John Frascotti, President of Hasbro Brands. “HASCON will deliver an extraordinary peek behind the curtain of our brands, storytelling, and iconic characters while giving us the opportunity to invite fans and families to our hometown for the most memorable, unified Hasbro experience ever.”

For all of the latest information on HASCON 2017, please visit

About Hasbro
Hasbro (NASDAQ: HAS) is a global play and entertainment company committed to Creating the World's Best Play Experiences. From toys and games to television, movies, digital gaming and consumer products, Hasbro offers a variety of ways for audiences to experience its iconic brands, including NERF, MY LITTLE PONY, TRANSFORMERS, PLAY-DOH, MONOPOLY, LITTLEST PET SHOP and MAGIC: THE GATHERING, as well as premier partner brands. The Company's Hasbro Studios and its film label, Allspark Pictures, are building its brands globally through great storytelling and content on all screens. Through its commitment to corporate social responsibility and philanthropy, Hasbro is helping to make the world a better place for children and their families. Learn more at, and follow us on Twitter (@Hasbro & @HasbroNews) and Instagram (@Hasbro).

Giant Cut Outs of Megatron, Optimus Prime and Bumblebee from Transformers: The Last Knight

Transformers News: Giant Cut Outs of Megatron, Optimus Prime and Bumblebee from Transformers: The Last Knight
Date: Tuesday, October 11th 2016 9:12am CDT
Categories: Movie Related News, Event News
Posted by: william-james88 | Credit(s): arun09345

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The 2016 Brand Licensing Expo is on and Hasbro has a big display. For Transformers fans, the biggest take away so far are new character portraits based on what Megatron, Bumblebee and Optimus will look like in the upcoming Transformers: The Last Knight film. These are giant cardboard cut outs and they are very reminiscent of the character profiles from Age of Extinction promotional posters. These were found on arun09345's instagram page.


Transformers News: Giant Cut Outs of Megatron, Optimus Prime and Bumblebee from Transformers: The Last Knight

Transformers News: Giant Cut Outs of Megatron, Optimus Prime and Bumblebee from Transformers: The Last Knight

Transformers News: Giant Cut Outs of Megatron, Optimus Prime and Bumblebee from Transformers: The Last Knight

Transformers News: Giant Cut Outs of Megatron, Optimus Prime and Bumblebee from Transformers: The Last Knight

TFcon Chicago 2016 Update: Josh Burcham

Transformers News: TFcon Chicago 2016 Update: Josh Burcham
Date: Monday, October 10th 2016 12:02am CDT
Categories: Event News, People News
Posted by: D-Maximal_Primal | Credit(s): TFcon Chicago

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TFcon has provided us with another update for the upcoming TFcon Chicago, and his name is Josh Burcham! Burcham is a colorist over at IDW Publishing and is well known for his inks in many on-shots and on some issues of More Than Meets The Eye. You can check out his profile for TFcon below, and remember that TFcon Chicago is only a few weeks away, so get your tickets if you haven't already!

We are happy to welcome IDW Publishing colorist Josh Burcham to TFcon Chicago 2016. Transformers fans will recognize his work from the pages of Transformers More Than Meets The Eye and dozens of other one shots and mini series. He will be in attendance all weekend and offering prints and commissions to the attendees.

NYCC 2016 IDW Publishing Panel Summary: Revolutionaries, Annuals, More TF v GI Joe

Transformers News: NYCC 2016 IDW Publishing Panel Summary: Revolutionaries, Annuals, More TF v GI Joe
Date: Friday, October 7th 2016 1:57am CDT
Categories: Comic Book News, Event News
Posted by: Va'al | Credit(s): IDW, Tom Scioli,

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Reporting from the floor at New York Comic Con 2016 overnight , a number of social media accounts - including and the official IDW and Tom Scioli ones on Twitter - we have some summary coverage of the IDW Publishing panel at the event. There wasn't too much talked about in terms of Transformers, as expected from the schedule, as the big emphasis was on Revolution and its aftermath, but there are some notable points below:

- Some covers shown for Revolutionaries, the book that sees the continuation of Kup, Blackrock, Action Man GI Joe's stories after the main crossover. Art shown by Fico Ossio, Andrew Griffith, and Tone Rodriguez.

Transformers News: NYCC 2016 IDW Publishing Panel Summary: Revolutionaries, Annuals, More TF v GI Joe

Transformers News: NYCC 2016 IDW Publishing Panel Summary: Revolutionaries, Annuals, More TF v GI Joe

Transformers News: NYCC 2016 IDW Publishing Panel Summary: Revolutionaries, Annuals, More TF v GI Joe

- A one-shot (?) issue in the style and from the creators of Aw Yeah Comics! Art Baltazar and Franco Aureliani, titled Aw Yeah, Revolution! No more info on this yet, other than the cover.

Transformers News: NYCC 2016 IDW Publishing Panel Summary: Revolutionaries, Annuals, More TF v GI Joe

- Annuals planned for February 2017 for The Transformers (with John Barber and Priscilla Tramontano on the team) and MASK (with David Rodriguez and Andrew Griffith).

Transformers News: NYCC 2016 IDW Publishing Panel Summary: Revolutionaries, Annuals, More TF v GI Joe

Transformers News: NYCC 2016 IDW Publishing Panel Summary: Revolutionaries, Annuals, More TF v GI Joe

- A one-shot, annual but not really, 'movie adaptation' but we're not sure how, spearheaded by its creator and sole comicsmith Tom Scioli, for Transformers vs G.I. Joe. In the words of Chris Ryall: some crossovers creators are straightforward, and some are Tom Scioli.

Transformers News: NYCC 2016 IDW Publishing Panel Summary: Revolutionaries, Annuals, More TF v GI Joe

Transformers News: NYCC 2016 IDW Publishing Panel Summary: Revolutionaries, Annuals, More TF v GI Joe

NYCC 2016 Hasbro's Twitch Livestream Recording Now Available

Transformers News: NYCC 2016 Hasbro's Twitch Livestream Recording Now Available
Date: Thursday, October 6th 2016 6:49pm CDT
Categories: Event News, People News
Posted by: D-Maximal_Primal

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After seeing some stills from the Hasbro Twitch presentation, we are now able to bring you a video of the full event! was able to get up to the second row from the designers themselves as they spoke about Transformers and what is to be coming soon. Unfortunately the room was loud and the microphones were not working fully, so the audio might be a bit tricky to hear, but you should be able to get all the important stuff you need from the video. Check it out below, and let us know what you think in the comments section below!

Titans Return Trypticon leg and The Last Knight Optimus Prime Helmet revealed during Hasbro's Transformers Twitch Livestream at NYCC 2016

Transformers News: Titans Return Trypticon leg and The Last Knight Optimus Prime Helmet revealed during Hasbro's Transformers Twitch Livestream at NYCC 2016
Date: Thursday, October 6th 2016 12:45pm CDT
Categories: Movie Related News, Toy News, Event News
Posted by: Va'al

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Even across countries and timezones, the Hasbro Transformers panel is still a thing that we can attend, thanks to the livestream from New York Comic Con 2016 - and here is a summary of what went down during the robotic half hour in NYC!

- Showing off the Transformers: The Last Knight Optimus Prime voice changing helmet just revealed by Hollywood Reporter, with some of the voice clips, and some talk about Optimus in general.

- Talked about the process from movie to toy, what appeals to newer generations (with mentions to the 1986 animated movie, and the new Shout! Factory remastering).

- Dipping into the Machinima Combiner Wars animated series to segway into Prime Wars trilogy as a toy-first element (pretty much) Combiner Wars, Titans Return. Driving into Deluxe Twinferno, Perceptor (who is a working microscope!) - and finally, Sixshot.

- Sixshot: compared with G1 version, showing off the poseability, Phase Sixers name-dropped, Black Shadow brought out for comparison too. Shown how it splits in half for tank + jet sections, and Titan Master.

- Trypticon revealed! Well, his leg anyway (with ratcheted ankle tilts). Release is Fall 2017.

- More movies coming as we know.

Transformers News: NYCC 2016 Hasbro Transformers Panel Report: The Last Knight Helmet, Titans Return Trypticon

Transformers News: NYCC 2016 Hasbro Transformers Panel Report: The Last Knight Helmet, Titans Return Trypticon

Transformers News: NYCC 2016 Hasbro Transformers Panel Report: The Last Knight Helmet, Titans Return Trypticon

Transformers News: NYCC 2016 Hasbro Transformers Panel Report: The Last Knight Helmet, Titans Return Trypticon

Transformers News: NYCC 2016 Hasbro Transformers Panel Report: The Last Knight Helmet, Titans Return Trypticon

Transformers News: NYCC 2016 Hasbro Transformers Panel Report: The Last Knight Helmet, Titans Return Trypticon

Transformers News: NYCC 2016 Hasbro Transformers Panel Report: The Last Knight Helmet, Titans Return Trypticon

Transformers News: NYCC 2016 Hasbro Transformers Panel Report: The Last Knight Helmet, Titans Return Trypticon

Transformers News: NYCC 2016 Hasbro Transformers Panel Report: The Last Knight Helmet, Titans Return Trypticon

NYCC 2016 Hasbro Transformers Panel #NYCCLive - 1:15 to 1:45 pm ET

Transformers News: NYCC 2016 Hasbro Transformers Panel #NYCCLive - 1:15 to 1:45 pm ET
Date: Thursday, October 6th 2016 10:15am CDT
Categories: Toy News, Event News, Company News, Digital Media News
Posted by: Va'al | Credit(s): Hasbro

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Directly from Hasbro over at New York Comic Con 2016, we have a reminder that they will given the spotlight for NYCCLive - a streaming service organised by the event - for their Transformers panel taking place. You will be able to tune in via this link, and the panel takes place at 1.15 to 1.45 pm ET - so make sure to pop by!

What can we expect to see? Probably official presentations about the toys and toylines revealed during preview night, from Titans Return to Robots in Disguise Combiner Force and more.

The Hasbro Transformers team are hosting a livestream today at NYCC at 1:15 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. ET and we want to make sure you check it out!

Here’s a link to view the livestream online:

If you are using an iPad or iPhone, you must download the Twitch App from the App Store.

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Posted: Saturday, June 1st, 2024

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